5: Conjugate families



September 6, 2022


# Plot stuff
clrs <- MetBrewer::met.brewer("Lakota", 6)

# Seed stuff
BAYES_SEED <- 1234

Practice: Gamma-Poisson

5.1: Tuning a Gamma prior

\[ \begin{aligned} E(\lambda) &= \frac{s}{r} \\ \operatorname{Mode}(\lambda) &= \frac{s - 1}{r} \\ \operatorname{Var}(\lambda) &= \frac{s}{r^2} \end{aligned} \]

The most common value of λ is 4, and the mean is 7.

\[ \begin{cases} \frac{s}{r} = 7 & [\text{Mean}] \\ \frac{s-1}{r} = 4 & [\text{Mode}] \\ \end{cases} \]

Solving the system of equations gives:

\[ \begin{aligned} r &= \frac{1}{3} \\ s &= \frac{7}{3} \end{aligned} \]

Or with code:

eq_mean <- function(r) 7 * r
eq_mode <- function(r) (4 * r) + 1

r <- uniroot(function(x) eq_mean(x) - eq_mode(x), c(0, 100))$root
s <- eq_mean(r)

r; s
## [1] 0.3333333
## [1] 2.333333
ggplot() +
  stat_function(fun = ~dgamma(., shape = 7/3, rate = 1/3), geom = "area",
                fill = clrs[2]) +
  geom_vline(xintercept = 4, linetype = "21", color = clrs[6]) +
  annotate(geom = "label", x = 4, y = 0.01, label = "Mode", 
           fill = clrs[6], color = "white") +
  geom_vline(xintercept = 7, linetype = "23", color = clrs[3]) +
  annotate(geom = "label", x = 7, y = 0.01, label = "Mean", 
           fill = clrs[3], color = "white") +
  xlim(c(0, 20))

The most common value of λ is 10 and the mean is 12.

\[ \begin{cases} \frac{s}{r} = 12 & [\text{Mean}] \\ \frac{s-1}{r} = 10 & [\text{Mode}] \\ \end{cases} \]

Solving the system of equations gives:

\[ \begin{aligned} r &= \frac{1}{2} \\ s &= 6 \end{aligned} \]

Or with code:

eq_mean <- function(r) 12 * r
eq_mode <- function(r) (10 * r) + 1

r <- uniroot(function(x) eq_mean(x) - eq_mode(x), c(0, 100))$root
s <- eq_mean(r)

r; s
## [1] 0.5
## [1] 6
ggplot() +
  stat_function(fun = ~dgamma(., shape = 6, rate = 0.5), geom = "area",
                fill = clrs[2]) +
  geom_vline(xintercept = 10, linetype = "21", color = clrs[6]) +
  annotate(geom = "label", x = 10, y = 0.01, label = "Mode", 
           fill = clrs[6], color = "white") +
  geom_vline(xintercept = 12, linetype = "23", color = clrs[3]) +
  annotate(geom = "label", x = 12, y = 0.02, label = "Mean", 
           fill = clrs[3], color = "white") +
  xlim(c(0, 40))

The most common value of λ is 5, and the variance is 3.

\[ \begin{cases} \frac{s-1}{r} = 5 & [\text{Mode}] \\ \frac{s}{r^2} = 3 & [\text{Variance}] \\ \end{cases} \]

Solving the system of equations gives:

\[ \begin{aligned} r &= \frac{5 \pm \sqrt{37}}{6} \\ s &= \frac{31 \pm 5\sqrt{37}}{6} \end{aligned} \]

lol k

r <- (5 + sqrt(37)) / 6
s <- (31 + 5*sqrt(37)) / 6

r; s
## [1] 1.847127
## [1] 10.23564

Yep, it works:

table(round(rgamma(10000, shape = s, rate = r)))
##    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9   10   11   12   13 
##    2  149  845 1871 2427 2108 1338  692  355  143   42   22    6
var(rgamma(10000, shape = s, rate = r))
## [1] 3.013767
ggplot() +
  stat_function(fun = ~dgamma(., shape = s, rate = r), geom = "area",
                fill = clrs[2]) +
  geom_vline(xintercept = 5, linetype = "21", color = clrs[6]) +
  annotate(geom = "label", x = 5, y = 0.01, label = "Mode",
           fill = clrs[6], color = "white") +
  xlim(c(0, 12))

And so on… I get the point :)

5.2: Poisson likelihood functions

From equation 5.6 in Bayes Rules:

\[ L(\lambda \mid \vec{y}) ~ \propto ~ \lambda^{\sum y_i}e^{-n\lambda} \]

In code:

L <- function(lambda, sum_y, n) lambda^sum_y * exp(-n * lambda)

(3, 7, 19)

observed_data <- c(3, 7, 19)
n <- length(observed_data)
sum_y <- sum(observed_data)
  • \(n\) = 3
  • \(\sum y_i\) = 29

\[ L(\lambda \mid \vec{y}) ~ \propto ~ \lambda^{29} e^{-3\lambda} \]

ggplot() +
  stat_function(fun = ~L(., sum_y, n), geom = "area", fill = clrs[1]) +
  xlim(c(0, 20))

(12, 12, 12, 0)

observed_data <- c(12, 12, 12, 0)
n <- length(observed_data)
sum_y <- sum(observed_data)
  • \(n\) = 4
  • \(\sum y_i\) = 36

\[ L(\lambda \mid \vec{y}) ~ \propto ~ \lambda^{36} e^{-4\lambda} \]

ggplot() +
  stat_function(fun = ~L(., sum_y, n), geom = "area", fill = clrs[1]) +
  xlim(c(0, 20))


observed_data <- c(12)
n <- length(observed_data)
sum_y <- sum(observed_data)
  • \(n\) = 1
  • \(\sum y_i\) = 12

\[ L(\lambda \mid \vec{y}) ~ \propto ~ \lambda^{12} e^{-\lambda} \]

ggplot() +
  stat_function(fun = ~L(., sum_y, n), geom = "area", fill = clrs[1]) +
  xlim(c(0, 30))

(16, 10, 17, 11, 11)

observed_data <- c(16, 10, 17, 11, 11)
n <- length(observed_data)
sum_y <- sum(observed_data)
  • \(n\) = 5
  • \(\sum y_i\) = 65

\[ L(\lambda \mid \vec{y}) ~ \propto ~ \lambda^{65} e^{-5\lambda} \]

ggplot() +
  stat_function(fun = ~L(., sum_y, n), geom = "area", fill = clrs[1]) +
  xlim(c(0, 20))

5.3: Gamma-Poisson posteriors


\[ \lambda \sim \operatorname{Gamma}(24, 2) \]


\[ \begin{aligned} Y_i \mid \lambda &\stackrel{\text{ind}}{\sim} \operatorname{Poisson}(\lambda) \\ \lambda &\sim \operatorname{Gamma}(s, r) \end{aligned} \]

Conjugate posterior:

\[ \lambda \mid y \sim \operatorname{Gamma}(s + \sum y_i,\quad r + n) \]

(3, 7, 19)

observed_data <- c(3, 7, 19)
  • \(n\) = 3
  • \(\sum y_i\) = 29

\[ \begin{aligned} \lambda \mid y &\sim \operatorname{Gamma}(s + \sum y_i,\quad r + n) \\ \lambda \mid (3, 7, 19) &\sim \operatorname{Gamma}(24 + 29,\quad 2 + 3) \\ &\sim \operatorname{Gamma}(53, 5) \end{aligned} \]

\[ \begin{aligned} E(\lambda) &= \frac{24}{2} = 12 \text{ from prior} \\ E[\lambda \mid (3, 7, 19)] &= \frac{53}{5} = 10.6 \text{ from posterior} \end{aligned} \]

(12, 12, 12, 0)

observed_data <- c(12, 12, 12, 0)
  • \(n\) = 4
  • \(\sum y_i\) = 36

\[ \begin{aligned} \lambda \mid y &\sim \operatorname{Gamma}(s + \sum y_i,\quad r + n) \\ \lambda \mid (12, 12, 12, 0) &\sim \operatorname{Gamma}(24 + 36,\quad 2 + 4) \\ &\sim \operatorname{Gamma}(60, 6) \end{aligned} \]

\[ \begin{aligned} E(\lambda) &= \frac{24}{2} = 12 \text{ from prior} \\ E[\lambda \mid (12, 12, 12, 0)] &= \frac{60}{6} = 10 \text{ from posterior} \end{aligned} \]


observed_data <- c(12)
  • \(n\) = 1
  • \(\sum y_i\) = 12

\[ \begin{aligned} \lambda \mid y &\sim \operatorname{Gamma}(s + \sum y_i,\quad r + n) \\ \lambda \mid (12) &\sim \operatorname{Gamma}(24 + 12,\quad 2 + 1) \\ &\sim \operatorname{Gamma}(36, 3) \end{aligned} \]

\[ \begin{aligned} E(\lambda) &= \frac{24}{2} = 12 \text{ from prior} \\ E[\lambda \mid (12)] &= \frac{36}{3} = 12 \text{ from posterior} \end{aligned} \]

(16, 10, 17, 11, 11)

observed_data <- c(16, 10, 17, 11, 11)
  • \(n\) = 5
  • \(\sum y_i\) = 65

\[ \begin{aligned} \lambda \mid y &\sim \operatorname{Gamma}(s + \sum y_i,\quad r + n) \\ \lambda \mid (16, 10, 17, 11, 11) &\sim \operatorname{Gamma}(24 + 65,\quad 2 + 5) \\ &\sim \operatorname{Gamma}(89, 7) \end{aligned} \]

\[ \begin{aligned} E(\lambda) &= \frac{24}{2} = 12 \text{ from prior} \\ E[\lambda \mid (16, 10, 17, 11, 11)] &= \frac{89}{7} = 12.714 \text{ from posterior} \end{aligned} \]

ggplot() +
  stat_function(fun = ~dgamma(., shape = 24, rate = 2), 
                geom = "area", aes(fill = "Gamma(24, 2) prior"), alpha = 0.75) +
  stat_function(fun = ~dgamma(., shape = 53, rate = 5),
                geom = "area", aes(fill = "Gamma(53, 5) posterior"), alpha = 0.75) +
  stat_function(fun = ~dgamma(., shape = 60, rate = 6),
                geom = "area", aes(fill = "Gamma(60, 6) posterior"), alpha = 0.75) +
  stat_function(fun = ~dgamma(., shape = 36, rate = 3),
                geom = "area", aes(fill = "Gamma(36, 3) posterior"), alpha = 0.75) +
  stat_function(fun = ~dgamma(., shape = 89, rate = 7),
                geom = "area", aes(fill = "Gamma(89, 7) posterior"), alpha = 0.75) +
  xlim(c(5, 25)) +
  scale_fill_manual(values = clrs[1:5])

5.5 & 5.6: Text messages

Practice: Normal-Normal

5.8: Normal likelihood functions

5.9 & 5.10: Investing in stock

5.11: Normal-normal calculation

5.12: Control brains